Rabu, 23 Maret 2011


okay baru baru ini kayak nya lagi heboh ya pake tumblr. kalo lagi online twitter, di TL pasti ada aja yang posting via tumblr. itu yang bakal gua bahas disini.

tumblr itu apa sih?
sebelum gua posting ini, gua nyoba buat nyari referensi tentang Tumblr kepada mbah kesayangan kita. everything we search and everyone we looking for are posted there. yes. It's called mbah google. yeeaayyy gua akuin si mbah ini emang segala - gala nya buat kita saat ini. contoh nya, kalo kita lagi dikasih tugas sama guru, kita gatau isi nya, dan of course, most of us are to lazy to open the book, especially go to the library, right? http://www.smileycodes.info

hahahhaha sudah ketebak semua. pasti langsung deh, kalo yang punya laptop, langsung buka laptop, buka browser, and we typedhttp://google.com and if we don't have laptop, we can open our cell phone, and browse the internet using GPRS. teknologi sudah maju kawan2  http://www.smileycodes.info

oke pembahasan jadi random ntah kemana -______- back to the point. setelah gua search di gugel, dan ujung2 nya juga ketemu di wikipedia. kalo kata dia sih, "Tumblr adalah sebuah layanan tumbltuelog gratis yang mengizinkan penggunanya untuk memposting tidak hanya tulisan, tetapi juga mengizinkan penggunanya untuk memposting foto, quote, video, chat, audio, dan link."

so, I think, it's really look like a blog. but it's more simple, and more ... easier I guess. it's not look like a really blog. I think tumblr more like twitter. there're something like reblog, favorite and etc. and like the other blog, there is Follow button there.

if we often share photos, we can make our tumblr to be a photoblog.
yes it's very simple way to share what we think and we want about.http://www.smileycodes.info 

tertarik buat nyoba? MySpace

pertama, kalian harus buka http://tumblr.com dulu dari browser. ketik sign up. and u should fill the forum just like when u want to sign up twitter account or facebook, etc. I guess u guys didn't need my direction to create this account :D

and here we go. it's my tumblr look MySpace
and it's my tumblr's look in dashboard ::

sama seperti situs2 jejaring sosial lain nya, we can connect our account to each other. to facebook, twitter? yes we can do it. example if we connect it to twitter, when we create a post in tumblr, it will be automatically tweeted in twitter. and of course there will be a link at the end of the tweet.

untuk tumblr, gua baru posting kisaran 215 post, dan kebanyakan itu reblog semua jarang yang original dari gua sendiri. followers pun baru ada 9 ekorhttp://www.smileycodes.info

okay in this post I often use english. I realize it's not very good for a ababil person like me ahahahahha
oke gua masih awam. jadi harap maklum MySpace

sapa tau kan ada dosen gaul lagi blogwalking, terus ngeliat potensi terpendam gua, terus dikembangin, dan dia ngasih beasiswa buat study college in germany! waw it's really my dream. and I still hope that will be come true. amin MySpace

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